New president and CEO for ICANN
ICG and CCWG-accountability seek for...
ICG and CCWG-accountability seek for public comment The IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) has released for public comment the proposal [IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal [PDF, 2.2 MB]] for the transition of the stewardship of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions from the U. S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to the global multistakeholder […]
Records of ICW and CCWG-Accountabilit...
Records of ICW and CCWG-Accountability webinars available Please for those who could not attend the webinars, you can access the records using the following links CCWG-ACCOUNTABILITY: records and transcripts are available at ICG: Recordings and transcription of this webinar will be posted here once available:
ICANN: Governance in Ouagadougou

ICANN participated in TOT on Internet Governance in Ouagadougou There were a total of 40 participants to this event including trainers. The event was organized by the Ministry digital Economy, the Regulator (ARCEP), ITICC association and Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF). ICANN staff made presentation on the following topics: History of the Internet from […]